View Full Version : Wing Bag Harvard

Kevin Rochon
2015-12-28, 05:56 PM
Here it is. Well was on a roll, bubble wrap that is, since it went well with that system for the Bigfoot so I made the one for the Harvard. I saw some guys using a woodpecker from GP to burst the bubbles on the sides then sew them. It seem a lot of work for nothing, plus my wings need the 48" full room inside, that sewing would of taken off a few inches. Then only sewing I did on the machine was the handle.

Dwight Macdonald
2015-12-29, 08:39 PM
Nice job Kevin! Is the the bubble wrap / insulation that comes from places like Rona?

Kevin Rochon
2015-12-30, 02:09 PM
That's where I got it. It comes in different sizes; like 24" wide up to the one I got which is 48".