View Full Version : URGENT - WIMAC a besoin de votre aide pour survivre/ we need your help to survive

Michael O'Bree
2020-07-14, 01:23 PM
Message de Michael Jenkins, président de WIMAC/Message from Michael Jenkins, WIMAC President :

English below

Suite à des demandes répétées pour que nos voix soient entendues directement auprès de la Ville de Montréal, ils n'ont que récemment répondu que notre seule option était d'utiliser le sondage en ligne. Ce ne sont pas des nouvelles encourageantes. Cependant, nous poussons notre cas jusqu'à ce que tout espoir soit perdu.

En conséquence, avec la clôture du sondage jeudi de cette semaine, WIMAC vient de publier une réponse au sondage en ligne de la Ville (pages de sondage en français et en anglais) plaidant pour notre survie.
Le titre de notre réponse au sondage est:

« Un club d'aéromodélisme opérant à Pierrefonds depuis 38 ans plaide pour la survie » (usager « mdup »)

Nous demandons à tous les membres WIMAC, anciens membres et autres personnes intéressées d’aller sur la page de sondage Grands Parcs de l’ouest (https://www.realisonsmtl.ca/grandparcouest?tool=brainstormer#tool_tab), de trouver la réponse d’enquête WIMAC et
a) fournir une rétroaction en enregistrant un «J'aime» à la réponse de WIMAC (ou commenter),
(de préférence dans les pages de réponse au sondage en français et en anglais) ET, si vous le souhaitez,
b) Postez votre propre réponse au sondage à l'appui de notre cas en quelques mots (nécessite une inscription sur le site Web).

Merci pour votre soutien opportun.


Following repeated requests for our voices to be heard directly with the City of Montréal, they have only recently replied that our only option is to use the online survey. This is not encouraging news. However, we are pushing our case until all hope is lost.

As a result, with the survey closing on Thursday this week, WIMAC has just posted a response to the City’s online survey (French and English survey pages) making our case for survival.

Our survey response title is:
“Model airplane club operating in Pierrefonds for 38 years pleads for survival” (user “mbre”)

We now ask all WIMAC members, past members and other interested persons to go to the Grands Parcs de l’ouest survey page (https://www.makingmtl.ca/grandparcouest?tool=brainstormer#tool_tab), find WIMAC’s survey response and

a) provide feedback by registering a « Like » (preferably in both the French and English survey response pages) to WIMAC’s response (or comment)

AND, if you wish,
b) Post your own survey response supporting our case in a few words (requires website registration)

Thank you for your timely support.

2020-07-14, 02:09 PM
Done. Hope it helps.
Now what about a new site search and location that was plan B when this thing all started?
Seems like that strategy never went anywhere. In the mean time I will keep hoping and praying to stay where we are IE. in a municipal park subject to future plans that have not even been determined, and subject to by-laws and regulations that may not permit the current operations of WIMAC.

2020-07-14, 02:20 PM
I just wrote a little comment. Hope it helps.

Michael O'Bree
2020-07-14, 02:38 PM
Thanks - the more like those the better!

2020-07-14, 04:06 PM
I just post this /

Montréal, Ville Aéronautique par excellence.
Avec un club d'aéromodélisme, vieux de 38, planté en pleine nature, qui a développé des racines technologiques et des branches de relationnel avec le monde universitaire...pour montrer le grand intérêt des activités récréatives du vol radiocommandé. Tous les autres club de la ville ont été déracinés...Reste Wimac à sauver.

2020-07-14, 04:26 PM
Added my like and comment. Will be having my son do the same.

2020-07-14, 06:33 PM
Hi Mike;
I just submitted something.
All he best

2020-07-14, 07:50 PM
There is two places to post english site and the french site:
French Site:
English site:

2020-07-14, 08:40 PM
Can we get a team set up to call each and every member by phone to encourage them to reply?

2020-07-14, 08:40 PM
C’est fait pour moi!

Kevin Rochon
2020-07-14, 09:08 PM
Thanks Micheal couldn't find it before.

Just did my bit in both official language;)

2020-07-14, 09:25 PM
C'est fait.

2020-07-15, 08:14 AM
Can we get a team set up to call each and every member by phone to encourage them to reply?

An email to all current members just went out.

Michael O'Bree
2020-07-15, 08:14 AM
I wanted to add a comment to make the important point below - but since I used my user ID to post the original WIMAC survey response, I am unable to post again. Please could someone who has not already posted a comment include the following in their own comment - thanks:

« WIMAC is NOT an exclusive club - membership has always been open to everyone prepared to follow the safety rules and to respect the environment, of all ages and backgrounds.

We sincerely hope the City allows our club to continue to exist for the benefit of ALL interested Montréal citizens. »

(Or the French équivalent)

2020-07-15, 09:29 AM
Just posted my comment of support. Hoping this will help preserve our field!

2020-07-15, 10:12 AM
C’est fait pour moi.
I cross my fingers for Wima longer life

Dwight Macdonald
2020-07-15, 10:31 AM
I wanted to add a comment to make the important point below - but since I used my user ID to post the original WIMAC survey response, I am unable to post again. Please could someone who has not already posted a comment include the following in their own comment - thanks:

« WIMAC is NOT an exclusive club - membership has always been open to everyone prepared to follow the safety rules and to respect the environment, of all ages and backgrounds.

We sincerely hope the City allows our club to continue to exist for the benefit of ALL interested Montréal citizens. »

(Or the French équivalent)

I just posted it in the English section

2020-07-15, 11:45 AM
I sent a link to our Grand parc de l’Ouest posted idea to Valérie Plante

2020-07-15, 12:04 PM
The site will not let me post. Is it to late I did register first.

Glenn Hole
2020-07-15, 01:01 PM
Have added my post along with the others. Hoping for a positive outcome!

2020-07-15, 08:25 PM
Done. Hope the club survives.

Michael O'Bree
2020-07-16, 07:04 AM
Veuillez ne faire aucune référence à l'utilisation que nous faisons actuellement de notre Club.

Please do not make any reference to what use we are currently making of our Club.

2020-07-16, 09:06 AM
I have done my part in posting to the site, lets hope our efforts will pay dividends...

2020-07-16, 02:47 PM
Veuillez ne faire aucune référence à l'utilisation que nous faisons actuellement de notre Club.

Please do not make any reference to what use we are currently making of our Club.

I cannot understand the meaning of this post! Could you please explain or expand your post?

Michael O'Bree
2020-07-16, 03:57 PM
I cannot understand the meaning of this post! Could you please explain or expand your post?

Explanation (for members):


pierre sarault
2020-07-18, 10:18 PM
A few lines added Wednesday p.m. as a separate "idea" / input referring back to survival of WIMAC.

Mike Rogers
2020-09-04, 12:03 PM
I have added a "like" and a note of support for our club in the Sondage. Hoping for the best.