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Old 2019-05-02
MichaelLevy MichaelLevy is offline
Non-WIMAC Member
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Levy
MAAC Number: 15553
WIMAC WINGS: Solo Planes
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 313
MichaelLevy is on a distinguished road
A lot has been said on this thread about the pilot skills but one important thing has been left out...the airplane,and the pilot's knowledge of this particular model. That scale B-25 has a long narrow wing which, especially when combined with a high wing loading is very prone to stalling. Just before the final stall, the wings wobbled a couple of times announcing that he was very close to the edge of stalling, the speed decreased as he raised the nose and it was all over. The lack of performance indicates the wing loading was high. I fly EDF jets with stubby or delta wings and this rarely if ever happens, even if I come in with a high AOA of 30-45 degrees. Also, I avoid the traditional square "pattern" approach, preferring to slide in on a curve with power and straightening out a short distance before touchdown. I find it make my planes less likely to get into the "danger zone".
As a matter of public interest, the U-2 which has a very long, extended wing is extremely prone to stalling. At 70,000 feet, the difference between the stall speed and maximum speed never to exceed is a mere...7 mph.

Last edited by MichaelLevy; 2019-05-02 at 11:08 PM.
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